

Library Cards

Each person is issued a library card. You will need to come into the library and you will be issued a library card.


Computers and Technology

The library has four public computers and four Kindle Fires with internet access. We also have free public wireless internet access. If you are under 18 you must have a parent or guardian come and sign a release form before you are allowed to use the computers. We also have one children’s AWE learning system computer that can be utilized by children 4-13 with an adult supervisor on the premises. We have a Playstation 4 and games available by request. We have a projector and 5ft x 5ft screen that can be used by request or for events.

Black and white copies, and pages printed from the computer are 10 cents per page.
Faxes are 25 cents per page.


Interlibrary Loan

Most materials that are not available at our library, can be borrowed from other Kansas libraries using inter-library loan. We order the material for you and let you know when we get it in. You are allowed to have your item from inter-library loan checked out for three weeks.

Once you have signed up for a library card, you may create an account with the Southeast Kansas Library System to see your account, track your orders, and even place a hold on items. You can speak with a librarian to create and account or go to


Check-Out Policy

  • Two week check out on books.
  • One week check out on DVDs.
  • Must be 14 or older to check out movies.
  • Three week check out for inter-library loan items.
  • Material renewals available for books & movies.
  • The Cedar Vale Library does not charge late fines.
  • A drop off box is available for patron use.

Cedar Vale Memorial Library

608 Cedar Street
P.O. Box 369 (mailing address)
Cedar Vale, KS 67024

► Library Hours

Sun - Mon:  Closed   

Tue – Wed: 1:00p - 6:00p
Thu: 9:00a - 12:30p & 1:00p - 5:00p 

Fri: 10:00a - 4:00p
1st & 3rd Sat: 10:00a - 4:00p

► Phone

(620) 758-2598

Our Location

Cedar Vale, KS Weather

Cedar Vale, KS
clear sky
humidity: 73%
wind: 5mph SE
H 38 • L 18
Weather from OpenWeatherMap